Archive for May 6, 2014

Constructive Criticism For Crappy Anti-Bullying Advice From The ATA

        Here is some crappy anti-bullying suggestions by an ATA 4th dan black belt. Yes, often times bullies attack me with knives and after I kick them trying to stab me I will put my hands out like “stop!” And a groin kick means “he will pretty much drop the knife” because groin kicks are ALWAYS a fight ender.

NO They are not! And putting your hands up like that in a fight is stupid.

        The wrist grab goes backwards defeating the purpose of twisting the wrist, and their butterfly kick is ineffective against assailants!

        No one attacks with a super high haymaker like how the kid throws it in this video. It is not a realistic angle for a bullies punch. The high block is useless against a typical punch, but there are purposes for a high block, just not in this instance. Putting your hands up to say “stop!” is bad advice as a bully will not care. If he decided to punch you he is not going to just stop and giving him a chance to hesitate and think only allows him to come up with another attack. As soon as anyone punches a person they should immediately understand it is a fight and you have to defend yourself and win or else get knocked out, or beat up. Bullies in school also do not attack with water bottles, but possibly they were trying to imagine it was a blunt object. But they did not make that clear. A bully usually will not pick up a blunt object that would cause serious damage unless he was enraged, and he definitely would not pick up a knife if he was just a bully. Most often schools will clear kids of any knives, but there is a possibility of someone bringing a knife to school as well as a gun as we have seen in the news recently. The point is when someone has intent to kill or serious damage he is no longer a bully, but a sociopath and is trying to harm you way beyond being a bully and saying “STOP!” when someone is wielding a knife is just plain idiotic. At that point it is kill or be killed, or at least injure him before he injures you. Most times a knife is not attacked with such a high angle, but it is known to happen. Relying on their form “Song Ahm 1” for knife defense is going to get you killed.

        The wrist grab escape was a very crappy demonstration and there is just a lot wrong with it. He was trying to do a valid technique of opening a gap in the grip to pull out which I personally teach to my students, but he is doing it wrong and ineffective. He has no understanding of movement or physics. He twists up, then yanks backwards right back into the grip and thinks he could pull out. Of course the kid just loosens his grip and does not even try to grab him hard. He also does not even move back and just stays in a very awful stance. The best way is to step backwards into a back stance then twist out and pull in th direction of the opened grip. The backfist was a stupid attempt at a strike which not only was awful technique and pathetic, but a backfist at his distance wouldn’t even hit a person. He should step back and slide somewhat forward and a knife hand strike would work better since his hand was open.

        The butterfly kick was just dumb and is a pointless technique to claim will defeat an assailant and knock anyone out. The way the kid even threw it was so slow a person would just step out of the way. The butterfly kick in itself is not a bad technique and you could pull it off in a fight but it is a high risk move and rare an opening would occur for it at least at the distance and situation they presented. Teaching this to kids or teenager or even adults is going to get them killed.

        It is sad people who are 4th dans in their system are lacking common, combat sense and also display bad technique unworthy of a black belt. This is the typical mcdojang and they are responsible for teaching dangerous self defense techniques that will only get you seriously hurt in any self defense situation, yet they don’t care and keep teaching them because they are making money baby sitting kids. PARENTS PLEASE AVOID YOUR AVERAGE MCDOJANG! Years of terrible training will develop bad habits. This video is only one example.